October 8, 2024

How to Film from a Height: The Ultimate Guide for Grassroots Sports Coaches

Written by:
Mark Cairns

Hey Coaches! 👋

We all know the struggle: you’re trying to film your team’s game or training session, but from ground level, it’s tough to capture the full picture. Whether you’re analysing tactics or reviewing player performance, getting the right angle is key to elevating your coaching. But filming from the ground just doesn’t cut it.

Filming from a height gives you a valuable bird's-eye view of the entire field, revealing patterns, positioning, and strategies that are hidden from ground level. So how do you get that perfect elevated shot? Let’s explore some easy solutions, from DIY budget options to advanced automated systems.

1. Use an Extendable Tripod or Telescopic Pole

Best for: Low-budget coaches needing a simple setup without detailed zoom.

Using a telescopic tripod or pole is an easy, affordable way to get a better view. Attach your smartphone, GoPro, or basic camera, extend it (some reach over 6 metres!), and start filming.

Limitations: Limited zoom makes it hard to focus on specific players or techniques.


  • Super affordable (under £50)
  • Portable and easy to set up
  • Versatile for different locations


  • No zoom for detailed analysis
  • Requires manual operation
  • Less stable in windy conditions

2. DIY Scaffolding Tower: Height & Flexibility

Best for: Coaches who want full control and zooming capabilities for technical feedback.

Using scaffolding as a filming platform gives you both height and the ability to zoom in and out. Unlike tripods or automated cameras, you can adjust your shot in real-time, offering detailed feedback on players’ techniques.

Pro Tip: Scaffolding doesn’t have to be expensive. Partner with a local builder—they lend you the equipment, you give them free advertising with a banner. Win-win!


  • Allows for both tactical and technical analysis
  • Stable and reliable, even outdoors
  • Can be cost-effective through partnerships


  • Takes time to set up and may need extra hands
  • Less portable, though it can be reassembled at new locations

3. Automated Cameras: Convenient but Limited

Best for: Coaches with bigger budgets focusing on tactical analysis.

Automated camera systems like Veo and Pixellot are perfect for a “set it and forget it” approach. They track the action automatically, capturing the entire game without needing an operator.

Catch: They can’t zoom in on specific players or techniques, making them less suitable for detailed feedback. Plus, many require a subscription for cloud storage, which can delay access to footage.


  • Hands-free, easy to use
  • Excellent for wide-angle tactical analysis


  • Expensive (over £1,000)
  • Monthly subscription required for storage
  • No real-time zoom for detailed feedback

4. Drone Footage: A Fun Extra Angle

Best for: Coaches seeking unique aerial views, mainly for training sessions.

Drones deliver stunning overhead footage, ideal for analysing team movements during training. However, they’re limited by short battery life and lack of zoom, making them less suitable for match analysis.


  • Spectacular aerial shots
  • Great for reviewing team positioning


  • Battery life often under 30 minutes
  • No zoom for player-specific feedback
  • Multiple batteries may be needed for full coverage

5. Involve Your Community: Make Filming a Team Effort

Best for: Coaches looking to build community support.

If hiring a videographer isn’t an option, enlist your club’s supporters—parents, fans, or local students. Many are happy to help if they feel valued. Consider training injured players to handle the camera, keeping them engaged while developing new skills.


  • Builds community spirit and engagement
  • Free help from volunteers
  • Players gain new skills


  • May need to provide training
  • Quality of footage may vary

6. Coach Logic: Unlocking the Power of Your Video

Once you’ve captured great footage, Coach Logic helps you turn it into a powerful coaching tool. Our platform lets you upload video, create highlight reels, and analyse games in a way that’s both simple and impactful.

How Coach Logic Helps:

  • Clip & Share: Send clips directly to players for focused feedback.
  • Highlight Playlists: Create reels for individual players or game moments.
  • Technical Analysis: Zoom into the video, draw on it, and provide precise feedback.
  • Seamless Integration: Easily upload video from automated cameras like Veo or Pixellot.

With Coach Logic, your game footage becomes a dynamic learning resource, enabling deeper discussions and improved performance.

Final Thoughts

Filming from a height is a game-changer for grassroots sports teams. Whether you choose a tripod, scaffolding, or an automated camera, each method has unique advantages. And with Coach Logic, you can ensure every video becomes a powerful tool for team growth.

Ready to take your analysis to the next level? Sign up with Coach Logic and unlock your team’s potential with seamless video analysis! Request a free 15-day trial here.

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