Protecting valuable training time by online reflection and discussion
Through working with Scottish Hockey, we were introduced to Vikki Bunce who coaches the Scotland U16 side as well as her hometown club Dundee Wanderers. Such was the impressive work that she was doing on the Scotland Hockey platform, we were delighted when she requested a platform for Dundee Wanderers.
Coach Logic agreed a three year deal with the club in 2018. Vikki said “there are many benefits to using performance analysis software and in particular Coach Logic allows us to share and discuss video moments with individuals and groups, ensuring collaboration and engagement.
On announcement of the deal, Mark Cairns commented: “Vikki and the Scotland U16 Coaching Team have been doing some special work coaching the national age group teams. When she asked me to sponsor the coaches, it was a no brainer. There was a bit of surprise therefore when I found out she meant a minibus! In all seriousness, it it great to be working with such a top club. Vikki is getting the players involved in the analysis and wants to engage with this shift in coaching. We are looking forward to see where this team goes during these exciting times.”
We are delighted to have access to Coach Logic as it has proved to be an extremely useful took. We have been able to watch parts of our performance back and been able to discuss aspects that was good and what we can improve for future games. The particular benefits have been that we have been able to do this through the Coach Logic app which has meant we are not eating into valuable training time.
Emily Dark & Charlotte Watson
1st Team Co Captains